Blogging the Alphabet: S is for Skating

Welcome to week S of blogging through the alphabet.  So glad that you can join Amanda and I.  I do hope you will join us by hopping in with a comment or blog post.  :)

Skating.     It's a part of life when you live in Canada.  When you have snow and cold and frozen water.. why not enjoy it eh?   We're aren't big into ice fishing, and I grew up skating on the family pond, so teaching our lad to skate seems a natural thing to do.

My hubby likes to skate as well so, he learned to skate. :)

 We started off using a skating aid.  I cannot tell you how much we liked this aid.  So many of the other ones we saw were these big bulky things that would never have fit in our car without be completely disassembled.  This one folded down flat and we could take it ANYWHERE.   The local park to skate on the small pad, the pond to skate on the hard frozen ice, the bigger city to skate on outdoor rink and also to local town arenas to join in the mom/tot/senior skate times.  It was GREAT.    

As time went on the lad learned to skate with just holding my hand.  I have to admit, I LOVE skating with my lad.  Even if he pulls me a bit off center (and I am NOT the world's best skater).   But we could skate together and ....

 He learned how to fall.  and then how to get up.    First one leg up, then the other.   We started with using mom as an aid, but now he can do it all on his own.     He skated, but he often complained, "can I stop now, do I have to do this mom?   Skating isn't fun, I don't like it".

Most of the time we chose just skate as a family, but one year to increase his confidence AND his love of skating (I really really wanted to foster that) we  decided to join in with our homeschool group at a group skate every Friday.   It costs more than the free skates we've been doing, but... this has the HUGE added side bonus.   He can skate with friends.  He liked it!  :)

Do you see the happy grin?  The lad no longer long MUST I be on the ice.  He now thinks.. do I HAVE to get off?   This is fun skating with friends.

He can stop and talk with other parents and learning skating skills from them (for some reason he listens better to the Dad's saying, hey.. if you do this it works better).  I don't understand it, but I'll certainly take it!

Play tag is so much fun, and it's great to hear "Your boy is skating better Annette".   It is just so good to hear.  He's really seeing that skating IS fun and not just something your folks make you do.

So should you ever be up in our neck of the woods on a fine Winter's day, come join us in skating.  You'll meet a happy lad who actually LIKES skating now.  :)   It's just the finest thing. :)   Though lately, I have to admit, I don't skate much anymore.  I hurt my ankle badly two winters ago while skating and it took me much too long to recover.   I might get brave again next winter though.  :)
I keep wanting to skate on the Rideau Canal in Ottawa. 

A Net In Time

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  1. How fun! Perseverance paid off for the lad! I think it would be lovely to live somewhere that it was possible to do outdoor skating.

    1. There you go...your next vacation...winter in Ontario! :) No trees pollinating to bug the allergies and nice crisp cold air. Good yes? :)

  2. So fun! I am a horrible skater... and the last few years our lake has not frozen enough to enjoy it anyway..

    1. ah, that's too bad. Skating outside is fun! :) but hey.. even if you are a horrible skater...skate anyways. :)

  3. Oh one of my favorite winter activities! How nice that your boy has found a fun activity.

    The skating trainer is so cool! I have never heard of such a thing, I've taught my kids to rollerblade by skating backwards and holding their arms/hands. Then I let them on the ice when I see they can rollerblade a bit. I was great at skating backwards in my younger years, but now... well I'm just worried about breaking my tailbone!

    1. It was cool and when we no longer needed it a passing dad asked where can I get a small one like that, told him to make me an offer and then his daughter learned to skate. I've never done rollerblading...the fall looks more damaging

  4. I need to get the punks out skating and skiing more than I do. We live in a winter wonderland. They should definitely get more time in on those sports.

    1. indeed they should. :) learn young, it sticks with you. :)

  5. I would love to learn to ice skate, I've only ever been twice, and that was oh so long ago!

    1. learn once you never forget. :)

  6. I love all the skating information! We skate a bit, but living in a part of the world that doesn't see snow and really only has two seasons, spring and summer with a bit of rain in between, I would love the chance to skate on a frozen river!

    1. that's too bad that you don't see snow


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