I have to tell you... I liked this book. Watching a man at work trying to find a way to help his neighbours. Working it out, trying different methods, until he discovered what would work.
Great pictures provided by Tim Zeltner.
The illustrations showed clearly the farmland and the difficulty of the work. Carefully drawn, and in a style that made me think of days gone past.
The text was clearly written, with good information. I enjoyed the meaty text, I learned how so many men left their families at home while they went out west to get a good start before sending for their families to join them. John Deere was one of these men going out west to make a new start. I learned about the need that was presented to him... farmers working hard in a gummy soil where the old plows didn't work well in. The farmers wanting to leave because the work was too difficult, Mr. Deere couldn't afford to have his customers leave so determined to find a new way when he couldn't afford to ship out what he needed. So he recycled other materials to make what was needed. Making plows, giving them away, so farmers could test them and discover how much better they were. His plows were so good he was debt free in five years.
John Deere That's Who
Author: Tracy Nelson Maurer
Illustrator: Tim Zeltner
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co.
Pages: 40
Style: Children's Picture Book
Ages: 4-8 years old
Reviewed for: Raincoast Books
Where can you find it?
Amazon.ca: John Deere, Thats Who
Amazon.com: John Deere, Thats Who
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