But just you wait


It's Thursday night
The night before we remember
God's great gift to us.

His gift.
His son.
For who
For us.

But right, at this exact moment.
We aren't there.
We are in the time before.
The time when we know something
Dreadful is about to occur.

We know a trial will come.
We know mockery will reign.
We know that sorrow and hardship
will be staring us in the face.

but right now.. 
We are just anticipating
We are seeing the sorrow
Right around the corner.

Tomorrow we can be empty.
Tomorrow we can feel hopeless.
Not knowing.
Not understanding.

But you know what happens AFTER tomorrow?
Just a couple of days.
And then HOPE.
HOPE will spring.
An empty tomb will be found.
And HOPE oh Glorious hope will be here.

But here, on a Thursday night late.
Hope isn't here yet.
But just you wait.

This is a five minute Friday post. the word prompt is brought to us by Miss KateWhat is Five Minute Friday?  Well it's a party of a group of like minded folks who gather on Friday to do a five minute free write around a singular word.  AND THEN we take the time to offer up encouragement to each other on this writing journey.  It's fun, though it's not always easy, but it is always good.   Come join us won't you?  You are always welcome.

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  1. Love this, Annette, and "Just you wait!" has a slightly cheeky edge that I suspect Jesus would have used...and He's enjoying it now, in your hands!

    A wonderful Easter to you and yours!

  2. Nicely done, Annette. When I read your first stanza, I paused and thought of all the "Thursday nights" ... "the night before we remember" ... those nights when I've faced the unknown ... and then "Surprise" ... I am met by "God's great gift to us" -- Jesus.

    1. #7 at FMF this week :)

    2. Thanks for stopping in Alice, your thoughts are appreciated. Jesus is indeed our hope.

  3. Amen Annette! Your poetry is beautiful! I really enjoyed this!

    1. Thank you, you are very kind. :)

  4. Yes! This is perfect! Blessings to you!


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