Review: The Kindness Club

Meet Chloe, a girl with a good heart having to make a fresh start in a new home and a new school.

Trying to make the best of it.  Her best friend left behind, and wanting desperately to make some new friends.

What is a girl to do?

She's to think positive, that young lady is.  "I have the best friends at my new school, I have the best friends at my new school".  

Chloe, finds herself in a science with Mr. Dibble, and he assigns her, along with Lucy and Theo a science experiment.  They are to come up with an hypothesis, test it out and report back to the class.  They have two weeks to complete the project and thus the Kindness Club is born.

Chloe is also invited to join the "It Girls" club, a club only for the cool girls of the school.

Chloe has more new friends than she bargained for and soon finds herself "worried about upsetting all her new friends".   As events unfold in the book, she truly learns how importance kindness is.

My thoughts: 
I actually thought I wouldn't like this book when I started reading it, but I did.   It was neat to see the affect the kindness had on a wide range of people.   Such an interesting assignment Mr. Dibble gave to his students.  A great way to put thought into action.  

Now do I think upper elementary/middle school students will like it?   My son was intrigued by the idea and thought it would be interesting to try something like that. He was even coming up with ideas he thought would be neat to try out.  When I asked if he wanted to read it, he said "it's a good book for girls".  :)   He likes the idea, but sees it as a girls book.

I think if the cover was changed, it might appeal to him more.

The Kindness Club : Chloe on the Bright Side

By: Courtney Sheinmel
Size: 7.19 x 8.53
224 pages
Ages 8-12 years

Published by: Bloomsbury USA

Reviewed for: Raincoast Books


  1. It does sound like a book geared more for girls, which works at my house since I have girls that age. I think they would like this one.

    Thanks for linking up at D.E.A.R. Monday.

  2. The girls might like this one. Sounds really fun. - Lori

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if they do


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