Books We've Enjoyed Recently

 I wanted to update you on some of the books we've read lately.  

They've been a varied bunch, but I thought you might like them. 

 The Cat of Bubastes: A Tale of Ancient Egypt.   This is a GA Henty book that took us quite a while to finish.   We did it as a read-aloud, starting with it being a lunch time book and then a bed time book so we could get it done.   I found it very wordy and often summarized sections with my lad.   BUT the tale itself is well done with it becoming not only a story about Egypt but of people coming to the know the Lord and how, in time, it changed an entire people group.    Excellent story.

Here, There Be Dragons   I read this one for myself a while ago and it's been sitting in my "put this on my blog" pile.  :)  Good read, want to read more in the series.  It's a typical protect the world from the bad guys type of fantasy fiction.   Good read though.   Character development, interesting scenes..

Sky Dragons: Dragonriders of Pern.  I freely admit that I love Anne McCaffrey books, and the books she writes with her son Todd... love them too.  The Dragonriders of Pern are one of my favourite fantasy books.  Dragons, danger, people, mystery, drama and they have everything.  I really hope that when my lad gets a touch older that he will love this series as much as I do.  Time will tell eh?

Anyways, SkyDragons takes us back in time to Xhinnia needing to help save Pern.  They land in an area with no caves and no safety.  Where will they nest to stay safe?   read the book and find out!

Recommended reading level... teenagers and up.   Not a lot of adult theme, but there is some.

Mystery of the Egyptian Scroll: Secret Agent Zet Series Book 1.   My son and I absolutely loved this book.   It was a quite read, held our attention, taught us alot about Egypt and her people, and was just a great mystery.  We were on pins and needles as we waited to find out how the bad people would be stopped.  Rest assured they were.   Definitely recommend reading this one.

I think this was a veritas press history book selection but I can't remember for sure.  But go.. get it, read it.  :)

Another one of my favourite authors is Mercedes Lackey.   The Companions of Valdemar is high on my lists of must reads.  :)   Recently I have read Closer to the Heart (The Herald Spy Trilogy Book 2)  as well as Closer to the Chest (Valdemar: The Herald Spy).    I am currently awaiting in the release of book three of this series.. patience is sometimes hard come by...  :)   Anyways, Mags and Amily have work to do in both of these books.   Can they help Valdemar?   We are introduced to some interesting characters in both books.  I particularly liked the addition of a special needs fellow (his name currently escapes) who is able to help out the rangers.  Can't talk well but can do amazingly specialized weapons and works of beauty.   Bands of informants created by both Mags and Amily that work two different sections of society.   A lot of a kindness in these books despite the danger and evil that sometimes surround.   Probably why I like them so much.  :)  

I will warn you.. if you do get hooked on the Heralds of Valdemar series... it's huge!!!   So many lovely books to read.  :)

Well there you have it.. I think I've gotten through all the book in my stake.   Need to do this more often you know?   :)


  1. Some good sounding books here. Age level for Here There Be Dragons? I don't particularly like dragon books but my oldest does. Also, just as a heads up, I have heard that the Pern dragon books (after the first) have some things that parents might want to know about before just allowing free-reign reading of the series. We haven't read any of them so I can't give you more details but thought it might be good to know for further books.

    1. I've read all the pern books... yes, definitely a later teen read..not early teen. The lad sees me reading them and laughing and wants to read them but I just so nope, not yet. wait til you are older.... adult relationship stuff and that's enough to stop him in his tracks. I don't find them bad as it's implied not acted out. the other dragon book... later teen as well.. in my opinion. Has she done wings of fire? That would be age appropriate.. at least the first five books.

  2. Thanks for sharing! Great ideas!!

    1. Oh good. I love fantasy literature

  3. Heralds and Pern... I haven't visited either of those places for a while. Didn't even know that McCaffery was writing with her son. How cool is that? Might have to ponder visiting them both again at some point. Thanks for the reviews!

    1. I know it's very cool.. I think she first started writing with the ships in space series. But the Heralds.. oh .. I really enjoy this series. :) I want my lad to read the white dragon. I think he'd like that book.

  4. As much as we enjoyed The Cat of Bubastes, it IS a bit wordy for a read-aloud! LOL Of course, the last time through we had Heirloom Audio to help out. ;-)

    Interested in some of your other suggestions too, particularly the dragon books. My daughter and I might both like those, and I'm also going to take a closer look at the Mercedes Lackey series - I'm not familiar with that author, but that looks like another mom/daughter possibility!

    Thanks for giving me even more to add to my TBR pile! LOL

    1. no issues.. so glad to help you out Kym!! :) Glad you understand about the wordiness of Cat of Bubastes.. I do think about getting it as an audio and seeing how it plays out there.

  5. We love all things G.A. Henty. What a great list, thanks for the recommendations!

  6. Hope you read some Jeniffer. :)

  7. My son is learning about ancient Egypt and enjoyed The Cat of Bubastes. I'll mention some of these other titles to him too!

    1. if he likes fantasy they will work well for him. :)

  8. Thank you for sharing your list! Not much of a dragon, fantasy reader but I appreciate you sharing your reads so if I do want to venture on I know where to start.

    1. once in a while you need to be brave and try something new. :)

  9. Thanks for sharing Annette, have added some of these to my list to check out.


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