Five Minute Friday: Joy

As I sit here this morning pondering the word joy, 
outside my window (past the cat sitting in my way) I see snow.

I wish you could have seen him yesterday when the snow starting falling.

Sitting on his sofa watching the snow come down.   Doing his strange meowing that he does when something excites or interests him.

Then Hubby left to go do some work at the church.

The meowing changed.

He was distraught.

He paced and walked the house.  Checking every room.

Then hubby came back.


A quick jump up, a soft petting, and gentle purr.

Then back to sitting in his spot, watching the snow, with his excited "meows".

Isn't that how joy is fully expressed?

Joy is more than happiness.   Joy is happiness contained within something.

For this cat, for this is my hubby and snow falling.

What is your joy? 


Five minute Friday was started by Lisa, and then continued by Miss Kate.  You can find her at her blog Heading home.   Every week she posts a word prompt.  This week the word is JOY

The rules are simple  Free write on word prompt for five minutes (more or less).  Link up.  Then go and encourage those who have gone on before.    Simple enough eh?  :)   Join us won't you?


  1. Sweet pets sure do show us the most simple, most natural way of things, including joy, don't they? - Lori

  2. Yes they do. Much is to be learned watching ones critters.

  3. Hi Annette! How amazing that his meows turned fretful until your hubby got home. They are so intuitive, aren't they?
    Thank you for the reminder that "Joy is more than happiness." So true!
    Have a lovely weekend! 😄
    Shauna (from #13)

    1. Shauna, thank you for stopping in. yes, Chase is a rather intuitive one and he's highly focused on my hubby. :)

  4. It's funny how our pets react differently to different members of the family.

    1. Yes indeed, one can't force it either.

  5. Pets certainly show us contented joy. Acceptance. Love of simple things. Giving thanks.
    Blessings and Merry Christmas,
    Janis - found you on FMF

    1. Janis, thanks for stopping in, I'll have to go and see what you wrote this week. :)


Hi! thanks for stopping by. I love comments, it is good to talk with each other eh?