Seasonal books To Enjoy

Oh... but I need to introduce you to a delightful couple of books.   I won't call them Christmas books, they are more seasonal books.   They are great picture books to enjoy with your elementary aged students.

Samson in the Snow and Over and Under the Snow.  Two delightful winter books for you and your children to enjoy.

Samson in the Snow

Author: Philip C. Stead
Roaring Brook Press
Size: 10.89 x 10.01
40 pages
Ages 4-8 years

This is just an adorable book.   One lonely Samson, alone with his flowers, content to be there, but someone in need comes along and Samson helps.   The weather is calm and beautiful.   Samson returns to his life of solitude, wondering what it would be like to have a friend.    The weather turns cold and nasty, snow falls, Samson worries about the individual with flowers, would she be okay in the cold?   He hunts, he finds another, who finds the one with the flowers, and safety is found, but not only safety...much more.    This is a tender touching story and I think would make a great book to read with your children.
Samson looked and looked until he found.
I loved the look they gave to Samson... he's like a gentle giant you know?

 Over and Under the Snow

Author: Kate Messner
Illustrator: Christopher Silas Neal
Chronicle Books
Available: 09/09/14
size: 8.04 x 11.96
44 pages
Ages 5-8

This is a simple fun read.  A boy and his dad out for the day skiing, and oh the discoveries they make.

Tracks in the snow and hideyholes for animals...and how they can fool some...but definitely not others.   All this life that can be found over and under the snow.    I can imagine reading this book and then saying "come on lad, let's go out looking for what might be hiding in the snow."

You will have to read the book to see who "over the snow" isn't fooled as they run under the snow.   :)
At the close of the book you have the opportunity to learn more about each of the animals

Now, can we find these books on amazon you think???  Affiliate links of course, just to help support the family and all that.  :)
Over and Under the Snow
Samson in the Snow
Over and Under the Snow
Samson in the Snow


  1. Such fun books. I love seasonal books, especially ones about snow! - Lori

    1. Samson was such a sweet book, over and under just fun


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