Favourite posts this week

So here I am, I write a blog.   I find it fun, and helpful.
On the odd occasion I read what others write as well.

T'is a good thing to do you know, we read what others have written.
Sometimes it because it stimulates my thinking.

This post made me wonder what I'll be reminiscing about when my boy gets some older...All Growed Up.  "Whenever discouragement set in, my grandmother’s oft repeated words of how she “never tired of waking up with her babies because they were hers” would remind me that those babies would grow and I would wish for just one more sleepless night holding them. She was right."

Sometimes it inspires posts of my own.   Yes...Now I want to do my own posts about why I school as I do.. but that could be a bit daunting!   :)

Year-round homeschooling, an introduction. "There are many different styles of homeschooling year round. Yes, we have breaks. No, we don't have school every day of the year. Now that the top two questions have been answered, I feel like I can move on! Some families do four days a week, while others stick to the five days a week. Some families do 6 weeks of homeschooling with a one week break, while others will do 3 or 4 weeks of school with a one week break. Whatever you decide is what you will use for your homeschool."

Sometimes it mirrors something that you write on your own blog.   I love doing my own hymn Studies.

Abide with Me.  "Not much more can be asked of God. And abide He will if we seek Him, though His word and through our actions, following the plans He has set forth for us. God is as close as a prayer; closer probably but I don’t know how else to write it. And I ask in my daily prayers “O Lord, abide with me!”"

Sometimes it inspires you to again, pick up what was dropped and move forward again.

Have a plan for reading the bible. "When we have a plan, we're more likely to follow through and less likely to be tempted to skip reading Scripture all together. "

Sometimes it just makes you smile at the creativity of others.

Dog Crate to Side Table.  "I think owning pets comes with the struggle of trying to keep a clean, open home without sacrificing the safety of your pets. This dog crate cover turned side table was my solution for having the dogs fit neatly into our home decor."

Sometimes it brings back memories.   I used to make zucchini relish too,   have gotten away from it over the past bit... perhaps I'll get back to it with this recipe....

How to Can Zucchini Relish. "One of my absolute favourite zucchini recipes is my Aunts zucchini relish.  When I was a little girl she used to bring over jars of her canned zucchini relish and I can say it didn't last long.  When I first started to can this was the first non-jam recipe that I made.  Since then I've made large batches of zucchini relish every year."

Anyways, there they are.   A few of the posts that intrigued me this week thus far.  :)  If I have time later this week... I'll add to the list.  :)

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