things to add to website in time

Some interesting sites I need to look at more and then will probably add to my homeschool website.

Universe Today. Yes, I know.. I shouldn't be surprised that they have space/astronomy blogs...but I was surprised.   Pleased too.  :)   I got to this blog because someone sent me a link to earth layer's for kids.  Rather neat eh?  :)

Pollinator Partnership.  works to protect the health of managed and native pollinating animals vital to our North American ecosystems and agriculture.   it's an interesting site.  Well worth looking around.

Untamed Science.   An intriguing science site.  Looking forward to checking it out more.   This lesson plan caught my eye.  Plants and Fruits lesson

Danielle has her own site at A to Z Teacher's.  Danielle creates original learning materials for A to Z Teacher Stuff using of her own illustrations and designs. She also owns   Most of her stuff is for the younger set (up to about age 6 or so), but some of it is adaptable.   nice lady to deal with.

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