Today we plan to go visit a friend and just have some play time/learning time and what not. :)
But the youngest needs to see the doctor so we are waiting for them to return.
In the meantime we went over to
simple schooling which is doing 12 days of giveaways right now. WOOT WOOT! they have a study on
Penguins! We didn't get all the way through it, but what we got through was quite interesting. hopefully we'll return to it early next week. :)
We did our normal reading.
10 minute stories
He really liked today's story. It was well written and inspired thought and brought a smile to his face.
World History
We are into Roman history now. We continue to learn about gladiators.
he played fable with dad for a while as a reward for doing good work. :)
Then some playtime for a bit while I set up
studyladder for him. I had planned that we would do some science, english and math. But we ended up doing a craft instead and learned where quality in what you get makes a difference. NOT all crayons are created equal. I need to post pics yet.
then off to his friends house. :) helped his mom out with a couple things, sat and chatted. It was a good visit. :) The lad had a whole lot of fun playing games and just being a lad with a friend. Good stuff.