Yesterday and Today

This week we're going to work on lesson two of this kindergarten curriculum book. I'm starting to teach him the "I'm a little teapot" song which actions. It's a good "T" letter song and the focus this week in the letter "T", the Number "0" and something else I can't recall at the moment.

and we did another five pages in this book on Tuesday. Matching of upper and lower case. We did this in the basement as that's where our alphabet chart is. he pretended he was a little rabbit learning the alphabet and that I was the teacher rabbit. Made it fun for him. :)

Yesterday for exercise we did Cardio Fit by Billy Blanks Jr.

I'm doing two things with Cardio Fit. I'm trying to teach the lad that through perseverance that he can master any skill he sets his mind to, and get us exercising and using our bodies. After we finished exercising...which involved moving and twisting our bodies and stuff...hard work, The lad played with some building toys while I did my back and stretching exercises.

Then it was time to go to a funeral.

Today I have bible study in the morning, so the lad will go to story hour where he will play, hear a bible story, and make a craft. I can't recall what we're doing for bible study.

This afternoon we are going to be busy! We have time at a museum in St. Mary's with the homeschool group, and then off to London so I can get my shears and then go the children's museum there for an hour or so. Busy day, but tomorrow is a stay at home day so it will all be good. :)

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