It is called Why does my child hate to write.
Why Does my Child Hate to Write was an excellent article to read. I thoroughly enjoyed how the author encouraged us to think outside the box with helping children learn how to write. Carol Barnier has an easy to read and follow style of writing, it engages the reader in the article and causes them to want to read more (at least it did for this reader). :) Although she does exactly tell us why some children struggle with putting their thoughts on paper, she does give a brief thought as to why this happens. Her focus in on HOW do we help these children learn to write down their thoughts.
Our children are all so unique and this article encourages us to help those unique children know that they can excel even if their writing skills might not be up to their level of capabilities in other areas. Don't write, use other methods of writing, talk more, and so many other ideas. All good ideas to help our children to do what they need to... to just LEARN.
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