Click Schooling

Another site that sends me stuff is Click Schooling. Here is Diane's write up.

Diane Flynn Keith
for ClickSchooling

Copyright 2010, Diane Flynn Keith, All Rights Reserved. Publication or distribution in any medium including blogs, newsletters, ezines, websites, or online discussion lists is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. Thank you for helping to protect my copyright. That said, I do appreciate your help in getting the word out about ClickSchooling by forwarding this issue (in its entirety) to your friends and invite them to subscribe by visiting

ClickSchooling is an ezine that brings you one, F.R.E.E, web-based curriculum idea every day — Monday through Saturday!

You'll enjoy the daily recommendations (delivered directly to your email inbox) for educational and entertaining websites that help your kids learn.

Each day of the week is themed around a particular subject as follows:

•Monday is Math
•Tuesday is Science
•Wednesday is Language Arts
•Thursday is Social Sciences
•Friday is a Virtual Field Trip
•Saturday is for Music, Art, & Foreign Languages

Join thousands of homeschooling and learning-centered parents and educators on this private e-list today. We never sell, trade, barter or share your email address with anyone – ever.

We make every effort to recommend websites that have content that is appropriate for general audiences. However, all of ClickSchooling’s recommendations assume that parents will preview the sites for suitable content, and then review the sites together with their children.

To subscribe, just visit and enter your name and email address in the subscription form on the home page.

Diane Flynn Keith began publishing "ClickSchooling" in the year 2000 while she and her husband, Cliff, homeschooled their sons. Now, Diane's sons are grown, and she is an internationally recognized voice in education outside the traditional classroom walls.

Diane is best known for her rave-reviewed book, "Carschooling: Over 350 Entertaining Games & Activities To Turn Travel Time Into Learning Time" with games like Windshield Entomology, Road-Cut Geology, 18-Wheeler Chemistry, and Drive-By History that are guaranteed to turn your kids into "Road Scholars".

Stop by the Carschooling website for tons of resources and activities for you and your family to enjoy at

Ms. Keith is a popular speaker at education conferences throughout the U.S. where she often presents her Carschooling Workshop. To learn more about booking Diane for a speaking engagement visit:

Diane is also the editor of that provides information and resources for homeschool families.

Most recently, Diane has organized support for parents who want to help their preschool-age children learn at home. To learn more visit

Today, Diane guides and mentors families through her websites, coaching programs, and live events. She is driven to liberate families from the constraints of conventional schooling so that they can live happy, fulfilled, extraordinary lives.

To contact Diane Flynn Keith

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