Terrific Tigers - DownLoad N Go Review/Contest

I bought Terrific Tigers from Download N Go. I bought it because my lad loves cats! Oh boy...if I can make whatever we study involve cats or bunnies I"m set, so this study was just meant for my lad. You can buy it from download N go right here. :)

I then learned that I could earn this unit study free by doing a review on it for DNG. I was thrilled! So I haven't gotten my free unit study yet (because I haven't told them what I want), but regardless I just find doing reviews fun. :)

Anyways, the lad enjoys this study very much. I've reported that we've done day one and two and three and Day four and finally we got to Day Five. I have had a couple of really crazy weeks so we haven't done a whole lot with the rest of the unit study beyond looking at what we'll be studying and watching some of the videos.

What can I tell you about this study. It can be done as a lap book, used as a unit study, or you can do your own thing with it.

The boy loves it. :)

We did not do it as a lapbook. We simply took one day at a time and printed out the pages, watched the videos, answered questions and did crafts.


Crafts, videos, information about tigers who are related to cats. :) Books to read - some tiger informative, and others just using tigers as the main character), places to explore (the countries that cats come from), and cats to visit. We took some side detours to visit other cats,

So what do you learn?
Day One: What is a tiger.
Day two: Getting to know Tigers
Day three: where are the tigers?
Day four: The science of tigers
Day five: Cool things about Tigers

Did you know that a tiger is bigger than my son's bed? -- this fact was very funny to a lad.

Did you know that a tiger can run faster than cars are supposed to go down our street?
"whoa mommy, they are fast!"

Did you know that tigers have webbed feet? From what I recall...not every tiger does, but the sumatran definitely does. This elicited a HUH? from my lad.

Made me smile one day ... We talked about tigers having cubs. So what does the lad do for the rest of the morning? C - U - B, Cubs, tigers have cubs. C - U - B, cub, tigers have cubs! Over and over and over again.

I have to admit, that a five year old can not do everything in this study, but that's the joy of homeschooling right? We have the luxury of being able to change things, add things, write things down that are verbally spoken and so forth.

One of the fun things that we did in this study was to act out a mommy tiger teaching her young cub what to eat. We played young tigers going to school with their mommies and they had to do everything the "teacher tiger" told them to. So mommy tiger taught the baby tiger how to pounce and on what type of animals they pounced on. We had a hoot playing out on our neighbours lawn (who has a huge lawn and could care-less if we play on her lawn). :) The lad laughed and learned which is what was wanted.

Looking ahead to day four I can see us having fun roaring like a tiger and seeing how far away we can hear each other. Can we roar as loud as a tiger can?

This has been a really fun study thus far and we are looking forward to doing the rest of it.

Before I forget... here are more reviews on this unit study for you to look at. :)

Oh! Almost forgot that I'm allowed to give away one copy of this study to a reader. Isn't that cool? :)
Okay, so what hoop will I have you jump through?

Well.. tell me that you stopped by. Make sure I have a way to contact you without having to jump through hoops trying to find your email address. If you tell someone else about the contest, let me know with a separate post (for instance, facebook it, blog it, tweet it etc). You have until next Wednesday (October 27) to do this. It will be a random draw (as in your name goes in a hat and the lad will pick it out).

IF you are a TOS/DNG affiliates including the DNG Review Team and TOS Crew you are not eligible (sorry those are the rules).

1 comment

  1. Fun review to read!! (BTW, I'm on DNG review team and TOS crew... ;-))


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