Nearer Still Nearer

Near....Close by....Almost......Similar

I have to admit that as I write this piece that I'm feeling downcast in my heart... and I know that much of it is that I'm tired and feeling daunted by the road ahead, feeling like, for now, that all I'll ever feel is nauseated for the rest of my life.  I KNOW I KNOW... an exaggeration I am sure, but for now, that's how I feel.   In reality it will probably be only 4-5 months if I am fortunate.  Maybe a year or so on the outside (going from my quick research).  But right now I don't feel very full of hope.  It's nice that the doc knows what is wrong with me and is working to alleviate some of the symptoms of how this is presenting in my body.  ('cause my body is a bit of an odd duck at the best of times).

Anyways, the word for the week is Near... and that's been playing in the back of my head for the past ...oh.. almost 12 hours now.  :)  

Nearer still nearer 
Close to my heart
Draw me still nearer
Near to thy heart.

These words run a chorus 
in the back of my mind
Helping me hear the words
Whispered so fine.

These words run a chorus
Helping me to see
That there is more to life
Than little 'ole me.

These words run a chorus
Reminding me to think
I needn't throw out life
Like it's the kitchen sink.

These words run a chorus
As service now I see
My young boys' heart is
Bigger than can be.

These words run a chorus
As a hubby comes close by
Squeezing all the worries out
A hug brings out a sigh.

These words run a chorus
Reminding me to look
At all that has done for me son's become a cook!

These words run a chorus
Reminding me to see
That I've got a God who
Cares for little ole me.

This is a five minute Friday post. the word prompt is brought to us by Miss Kate over at Five Minute FridayWhat is Five Minute Friday?  Well it's a party of a group of like minded folks who gather on Friday to do a five minute free write around a singular word.  AND THEN (and this is the most important part) we take the time to offer up encouragement to each other on this writing journey.  It's fun, though it's not always easy, but it is always good.   Come join us won't you?  You are always welcome.

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  1. " That I've got a God who
    Cares for little ole me."
    Such comfort and encouragement in these two lines. This truth comforts and encourages like nothing else can. Thank you for sharing it. May His comfort and grace abound toward you in this season of your life. Blessings. Visiting from Five Minute Friday (#60 in the link-up).

    1. Ah, thank you...he does indeed.


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