Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim

I didn't know what song to do today, so reached for my hymnbook, this is song 27 for me.   The tune we sing it to is Hanover, but there are other tunes.  I shared what I am most familar with to be honest.

This hymn was written by Charles Webster.  If you want to know more about the Wesley brothers, I found this page interesting.  Charles Webster wrote a song the reminds us of who we are and who God is.  What our job is and God's gloriousness. 

Ye Servants of God Hymn
Lyrics in red are verses I am unfamiliar with

Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim,
And publish abroad His wonderful Name;
The Name all victorious of Jesus extol,
His kingdom is glorious and rules over all.

The waves of the sea have lift up their voice,
Sore troubled that we in Jesus rejoice;
The floods they are roaring, but Jesus is here;
While we are adoring, He always is near.

When devils engage, the billows arise,
And horribly rage, and threaten the skies:
Their fury shall never our steadfastness shock,
The weakest believer is built on a rock.

God ruleth on high, almighty to save,
And still He is nigh, His presence we have;
The great congregation His triumph shall sing,
Ascribing salvation to Jesus, our King.

“Salvation to God, who sits on the throne!”
Let all cry aloud and honor the Son;
The praises of Jesus the angels proclaim,
Fall down on their faces and worship the Lamb.

Then let us adore and give Him His right,
All glory and power, all wisdom and might;
All honor and blessing with angels above,
And thanks never ceasing and infinite love.

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  1. I enjoyed reading through these lyrics. I am not familiar with this hymn.

    1. I have been singing this song since I was a youth


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