Writing ... is it your Identity?

On Being a Writer asks me this question:
What is my identity?   Do I identify myself as a writer?

I have to admit, I find that a hard question to answer.  

On p 19 I found this line
"If you demonstrate the intent and effort of a writer day after day yet hesitate to refer to yourself as such, take time to reflect on your journey.  You might realize you've crossed a threshold, or identified a moment, or experienced an event that affirms you in this role."

And then on p 20
"If you haven't felt it or said it, it's time. Say it: I am a writer."

GAH...I have such a hard time saying that.
I can easily say I'm a poet.  Writing poetry comes to me as naturally as breathing, so that I can do.  I can say I'm a poet.  

So why I ask, why is it so hard to extend that thought and call myself a writer? 

I've had an article I wrote I did published in a small book. I write on my blog almost every single day.  I love to put words to paper and I love to let word prompts spill out of me in the form of poems and thoughts.  It's FUN!

You know what it comes down to?  
I read what others write and I think...boy... they did a great job on that.  I could never match that.  Never.  See how they put that turn of phrase, see how they made the character come to life, and WOW..they had an awesome introduction to that review product..makes me want to go right out there and get it!    

And I don't see myself that way you know?
I don't see anything I do as particularly awesome.   Sometimes I see it as well done, or I conveyed what I hoped to.  But nothing something that might inspire someone else in their writing journey.

Now...if I could inspire someone in their faith journey.. that would very cool indeed!  Wouldn't that be just the very best thing?  Perhaps if I knew I did that...then just maybe I'd see myself as a writer.  

Until then maybe I'll just be content to call myself a poet..who also puts together reviews, devotionals and other bloggy posts.  :)

If you'd like to know more about this book On Being a writer, you'll be pleased to know that Amazon.ca   or Amazon.com sells it.

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  1. You DO inspire us in our walk of faith! Over and over again, and I know I am not the only one.
    I'll admit it- that was a couple of hard pages for me to read too. You are a writer dear one - and a good one! :)

  2. I second Carol on that point. You definitely inspire faith and Godly choices. You are a writer, Annette. And a very good, strong one.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. Does my heart good.


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